GCRMN Caribbean Launches Call for Data

The GCRMN was established by ICRI in 1995 to monitor the condition of the world’s coral reefs. The GCRMN has published an extensive range of global, regional, and thematic reports on coral reef status and trends. The GCRMN collates and presents coral reef data, aggregating from national to regional levels, and then to a global […]

GCRMN-Caribbean Steering Committee meeting

The GCRMN Caribbean node coordinators are currently defining a roadmap to produce a new “Status and Trends of Caribbean Coral Reefs” report, nearly 10 years after the release of the previous regional report (Status and Trends of Caribbean Coral Reefs: 1970-2012). In this context, the Regional Activity Center for Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife of […]

GCRMN Caribbean network online survey

The GCRMN-Caribbean is an operational network of GCRMN in the Caribbean Region. It aims to ensure the collection of useful, comparable, and accessible data that can reveal the status and trends of the coral reef ecosystems in the Wider Caribbean Region. The network promotes an integrated approach with biophysical and socioeconomic data, to create regular, […]

New insights into Diadema mass mortality

Over the five last years, humanity has faced a new catastrophic pandemic with Covid-19. However, humans are not the only species to suffer from pandemics, and the impact of one pandemic is not limited to the species that it affects because of particular functions species fulfill within ecosystems. As such, a species extirpation following a […]