The GCRMN Implementation and Governance Plan (2019) encourages the establishment of time-bound and outcome-oriented Task Forces to address specific priority issues.
Data Taskforce has been established under the GCRMN Steering Committee to increase the transparency, reproducibility, and robustness of future GCRMN reports, and to support the four primary goals of the GCRMN.
The objectives and expected deliverables are to:
The Data Task Force is co-chaired by Dr. Erica Towle and Dr. Jérémy Wicquart. Of the several existing data platforms dedicated to benthic cover monitoring data, MERMAID and ReefCloud are well-known, therefore two members were recently added to the GCRMN data task force to represent those platforms, Dr. Emily Darling (Wildlife Conservation Society) and Dr. Manuel Gonzalez Rivero (Australian Institute of Marine Science).
An operational network of:
The International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) is a proactive partnership between Nations and organisations which strives to preserve coral reefs and related ecosystems around the world. GCRMN is an operational network of ICRI, acting as one of its implementing arms.
The International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) is a proactive partnership between Nations and organisations which strives to preserve coral reefs and related ecosystems around the world. GCRMN is an operational network of ICRI, acting as one of its implementing arms.
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