GCRMN announces two webinars for data contributors in 2024
Given the urgency to conserve coral reefs and the commitments made by countries to 2030, the GCRMN is calling for coral reef monitoring data contributions for the development of its seventh “Status of Coral Reefs of the World” global report which will be released in 2026. To support data contributors and provide an overview of […]
Call for Data for the Next GCRMN Global Report
The GCRMN Global Team have launched a call for coral reef monitoring data for the preparation of the next global report; the Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2025. The GCRMN was established by ICRI in 1995 to monitor the condition of the world’s coral reefs. The GCRMN has published an extensive range of […]
GCRMN Steering Committee Meeting – March 2024
On 26th March 2024, the GCRMN convened its Steering Committee for a productive meeting focusing on the production of the next Global Report. Jennifer Koss, chair of the Steering Committee and co-chair of ICRI, opened the meeting by highlighting the pressing nature of the current global coral reef situation, as we are on the cusp of […]
GCRMN Regional Coordinators Meeting – February 2024
The Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN) is a global network of scientists, managers and organisations that monitor the condition of coral reefs throughout the world, operating through 10 regional nodes, which operate as entities under the GCRMN driven by regional coordinators. These coordinators facilitate the communication within the region, host workshops on monitoring and […]
GCRMN Reef Encounter Article: Values of a long-term partnership
Since 1995, the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), an operational network of the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) has nurtured a global community dedicated to coral reef conservation by providing a platform to exchange data and share knowledge, expertise, innovative ideas and diverse perspective. Utilising data from a range of techniques, from ground-level […]
2023 Coral Bleaching Guidance
Coral Restoration Consortium releases guidance to practitioners on coral bleaching Bleaching is reaching severe levels throughout the tropics with more reports coming in daily. This extreme heat stress due to the predicted El Niño, is arriving a month earlier than expected. Corals can recover from mild or short-term bleaching but long-term or extreme heat causes […]
Regional Coordinators Meeting – July 2023
The GCRMN is structured in ten regional nodes, which operate as independent entities around a regional coordinator. These node coordinators facilitate the communication within the region, workshops on monitoring and data management and contributions to global and regional GCRMN “Status and Trends of Coral Reefs” reports. Regional node coordinators interact with the GCRMN Core Team […]
Is El Niño on the horizon? What does it mean for coral reefs
Hard corals are particularly sensitive to marine heatwaves (a period of abnormally high ocean temperatures), as thermal stress can lead them to expel their symbiotic algae – zooxanthellae -, revealing their white calcium carbonate structure, a phenomenon called “coral bleaching”. As hard corals heavily depend on the energetic resources provided by their symbiotic algae, marine […]
GCRMN Steering Committee meeting – May 2023
On 16th May 2023, the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN) Steering Committee convened for a productive online meeting that saw discussions ranging from the establishment of a new Data Taskforce, the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems and updates from regional nodes. The Steering Committee meeting was opened by Tom Dallison (International Coral Reef Initiative […]
Coral Beaching on the Allen Coral Atlas
Today the Allen Coral Atlas released a new version of its coral bleaching monitoring system, including biweekly bleaching data from 2019 to the present. This unprecedented data release helps resource managers react to bleaching events as they occur, and decision makers as they prioritize areas for restoration and mitigation. “Coral bleaching is one of the […]